The Articles of association


Club Francophone ICPC


Article 1

It is founded by members of the present statutes, an association governed by the law of 1 July 1901 and the Decree of August 16, 1901, entitled:
Club Francophone ICPC

Article 2 Purpose

For a better understanding of the activity of primary care and the development of quality care to patients, this association aims to promote using the International Classification for Primary Care (ICPC) by health professionals in Francophone countries working in the field of primary care.

Article 3 Means

The French ICPC Action Group is under the control of the Classification Committee of WONCA (World Organization of National Committees, Academies and Academic Associations of General Practitioners and Family Physicians) and in association with him.
It implements several types of means, and in particular:
- Organization of training seminars on the use of the International Classification for Primary Care,
- Dissemination of documents relating to the use of the International Classification for Primary Care,
- The establishment or animation-based research using the International Classification for Primary Care, and in particular the coordination of participation in international study groups,
- Participation in the maintenance of ICPC,
- Verification and monitoring compliance with the International Classification of Primary Care for all types of tools including computer where such compliance is claimed by their designers or their promoters,
- And generally all means to foster knowledge and use of ICPC

Article 4 Headquarters

The registered office is at home the President.
It may be transferred by decision of the Board of Directors and ratification by the General Assembly will be required.

Article 5 Membership

The association consists of:
a) Members of honor
b) Supporting Members,
c) Active members or members.

Article 6 Admission

To join the association, must be approved by the office which decides at each meeting, on applications for admission submitted to him.
Are totally excluded from the criteria against which the admission will be accepted or rejected the notions of belonging or of political opinions, religious or trade union.
Eligibility takes into account the physical manifestations of a real commitment of the grantee to the International Classification of Primary Care, as its regular use in professional practice, participating in studies based on its use or any action its dissemination and promotion.

Article 7 The members

Honorary members are individuals, leading scientists are not coming from francophone countries with special expertise in the field of primary care or persons who have demonstrated their exceptional knowledge of the International Classification for Primary Care and use . Are also those who have rendered signal service to the association. Honorary members are exempted from contributions.
Benefactors are individuals or legal entities that pay an entrance fee and an annual fee set annually by the General Assembly.
Active members are individuals who pay an annual fee set annually by the General Assembly.

Article 8 Radiation

Membership is lost by:
a) resignation,
b) the death,
c) expulsion by the Board for nonpayment of dues or for cause, the person concerned has been invited by letter to appear before the office to provide explanations.

Article 9 Resources

The resources of the association include:
1) the amount of fees and contributions,
2) Grants of state or local public
3) donations manuals (payments)
4) and any other compensation authorized by law.

Article 10 Board of Directors

The Association is governed by a Board of at least nine members elected for three years by the General Assembly. Members may be reappointed.
The Board elects from among its members by secret ballot, a board consisting of:
1) a Chairman,
2) a Vice-President,
3) Secretary and Deputy Secretary,
4) Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer.
The Council is renewed every third year, the first year the outgoing members are chosen by lot.
In case of vacancy, the Council provides temporary replacement of its members. He proceeded to their final replacement by the next General Assembly. The powers of the members so elected shall expire at the time would normally end the mandate of the members replaced.

Article 11

The Board meets at least once a year, convened by the President or upon the request of a quarter of its members.
Decisions are taken by majority vote in the event of a tie, the President shall be decisive.
Any Council member who, without reasonable excuse, fails to attend three consecutive meetings will be considered resigned.

Article 12 Annual General Meeting

The Ordinary General Assembly comprises all members of the association in any capacity that they are affiliated. However, do participate in elections that members whose membership has been made at least six months of holding the General Assembly, provided they are current with their dues.
The Ordinary General Assembly meets annually at a date fixed by the Board of Directors.
Fifteen days before the date fixed, the members of the association shall be convened by the Secretary.
The agenda is indicated on the summons.
The President, assisted by members of the Council, presides over the assembly and exposes the moral situation of the association.
The Treasurer shall report on his management and submits the budget to the Assembly for approval.
There shall, after exhausting the agenda, replacing secret ballot, members of the outgoing Council. Generally, all proceedings involving persons are taken by secret ballot.
Should not be treated at the General Assembly that questions explicitly referred to the agenda.
The validity of elections depends upon recognition of a quorum of 50% of members entitled to vote.
Decisions are taken by simple majority.

Article 13 Extraordinary General Meeting

If necessary, including any amendment to the articles, or on the request of half plus one of registered members, the President may convene an Extraordinary General Meeting in the manner prescribed by Article 11.
The deliberations of the Extraordinary General Meeting by majority of two thirds.

Article 14 Procedure Rules of procedure are established by the Board of Directors and shall enter into force after approval by an Extraordinary General Meeting.
These rules are intended to fix various elements not envisaged by the statutes, including those relating to the internal administration of the association.


In case of dissolution by two-thirds of members present at the General Assembly, one or more liquidators appointed by it, and the assets, if any, shall vest in accordance with Article 9 the Act of 1 July 1901 and the Decree of August 16, 1901.

In Annecy, October 24, 2004

Dr. Lawrence Letrilliart (Chairman)
Dr. Jacques Hidier (Treasurer)
Dr. Jean-François Brulet (Secretary)

Created 13/12/2010 - Last modified 25/03/2015